Our Story

Once upon a time, nestled in the bustling heart of New York City, there bloomed a creative hub known as Funky Designs. Born from a passion for artistry and a flair for innovation, Funky Designs embarked on a journey to redefine the world of interior decor.

At Funky Designs, we specialize in crafting mesmerizing wallpapers and murals that transcend the ordinary. Each design is a masterpiece, meticulously curated by a diverse team of talented designers hailing from the vibrant streets of New York and beyond. From the eclectic energy of Brooklyn to the sleek sophistication of Manhattan, our designs draw inspiration from the rich tapestry of cultures and experiences that define the Big Apple.

What sets Funky Designs apart is our unwavering commitment to creativity and originality. We believe that every wall has a story to tell, and our mission is to unleash its full potential with bold patterns, vibrant colors, and captivating imagery. Whether you're seeking a whimsical escape, a burst of urban chic, or a serene oasis, our collection of wallpapers and murals offers something for every taste and style.

But Funky Designs is more than just a purveyor of fine decor; we're a community of artists, dreamers, and visionaries united by a shared passion for design. We collaborate with designers from around the globe, celebrating diversity and embracing the kaleidoscope of perspectives that shape our world. Together, we push the boundaries of creativity, constantly striving to surprise and delight our customers with fresh, innovative designs that spark joy and inspire imagination.

So, whether you're looking to transform your home, office, or commercial space, join us on a journey of discovery and expression. Let Funky Designs be your partner in creativity, as we invite you to explore a world where walls come alive with possibility and every space tells a story worth remembering. Welcome to Funky Designs – where art meets imagination, and the extraordinary becomes the everyday.